The general advice is not to panic and wait for stock markets bounce back. It may be a long time until financial markets return to previous levels but unless you have good reasons to sell it may be better to ride out the storm.
I appreciate it is easy for me to say ‘don’t panic’ as it is not my money but research and experience shows that rushing to sell investments after a crash creates two problems:
First you will be selling at low prices, second you will not know when to re-invest back in the market.
There is one caveat for the ‘don’t panic’ advice. I make the very important point that if your investments were set up properly in the first place you should be well positioned to weather the storm.
However, if your investments were not set up correctly at the outset you could have problems and should seek advice about how to re-adjust or re-balance your portfolio.
-- Edited by William Burrows on Tuesday 24th of March 2020 09:31:14 PM